What Lori Found in the Studio Completely Grossed Her Out!
What the actual what?
Honestly. I am not that grossed out by a lot. But certain things do creep me out. And this is one of them...rogue finger nails scattered about!
But wait...there's more...like this one on the counter in the studio.
Or perhaps this one on the keyboard....
And I know what you're thinking. The nail is the least of your worries with that keyboard. I know, I know...but for some reason, I wanted hazmat in here when I saw the nail. The daily condition of that keyboard doesn't even phase me. I'm complicated.
Listen...if you have to clip your nails, fine. But for cripes sake - pick them up! And if that's too hard, then brush them off to the floor! Who cares what's on the floor!
Again...I'm complicated.