We read a story this morning about people in Queens, New York being terrorized by an aggressive squirrel, or maybe even a GANG of squirrels. Hey, it IS Queens.  One woman who was attacking likened it to being in an MMA fight!  A kid said she was carrying pepper spray...just in case the nasty little angry creature showed up. What's up with these New York City squirrels? They must be Jets fans.


Squirrel attacks are not common but they do happen. And one happened just a few years ago here in Maine. Brian Genest was attacked when taking a selfie

We wish more Maine squirrels were chill, like this little guy who just liked rolling around in the mulch in Brewer.


Now be on the lookout, New Hampshire because Maine squirrels have been known to swim from Maine to New Hampshire. Some say they are looking for food. We think they want to INVADE!



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