When Will This Snow Disappear? A Season Pass to Funtown/Splashtown Up For Grabs!
Okay...let's get serious about wishing this snow away! In fact, let's name the date it will disappear and get a season pass to Funtown Splashtown USA!
This is big ol' pile of snow on the steps just outside One City Center - where the Q lives. We've decided that the person who guesses the date this snow is GONE will win a season pass to Funtown Splashtown USA! Family and friends 4 pack of season passes are the same price as last year! By the way season passes pay for themselves in less than 3 visits! Trust me...as cold and snowy this winter was - the summer will be hot and sticky!
Here's another angle for the big ol' Monument Square snow pile.
Just fill out this form and start praying. I'll update the piles every week or so. In case of a tie - we will pick a random winner.
Come on summer!