Windham Residents Holding Fundraiser For School Bus Stop Arms
Parents and residents of Windham who are concerned about the safety of children are holding a fundraiser to install extended stop arms on Windham School buses.
It seems that more and more drivers are ignoring the flashing red lights and swing out stop signs on school buses. It's an epidemic across the country as careless drivers blow past stopped school buses that are loading or unloading students.
One solution that Windham would like to adopt is to install extended stop arms on RSU 14 school buses. An extended stop arm reaches much further than the standard stop sign on a school bus. It swings out six feet into the opposite lane, much like a railroad crossing gate, to get drivers attention that they need to stop.
Operation Stop Arm hopes to raise enough money to install extended stop arms on 15 RSU 14 school buses at a cost of $32,250.
Cookies with Cupid is a fundraising event being held at All About Kids Childcare Center at 1 Plaza Drive in Windham on February 8 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. The event is free but donations are welcome. There will be cookie decorating, crafts, a photo booth and all donations received that day will go directly to Operation Stop Arm.
If you can't make it but would still like to donate, tap the button below to make your donation online through the Windham PTA.