You Could Make Money By Reporting Vandals In Portland
Have you ever been walking down a street and glanced up an alley or around a corner only to see the disappointing view of a tagger spray painting a stupid insignia on the wall? Take it from someone who frequently stops to admire graffiti, there's a big difference between organized graffiti walls and ugly tags around town.
I've witnessed them being done a couple times and could only give a look of disgust at the tagger without any means of enforcing. I don't want to get personally involved and confront them about it, but I really hate just watching it happen.
It's sad that vandals are often brazen enough to tag even a relatively busy street in the light of day.
Then, I came across an old article from the Portland Press Herald that gave me renewed hope.
Last year, the city of Portland set up a bounty offer of a whopping $250 for anyone who reported active graffiti vandals and helped to lead to their conviction.
Upon seeing the tagger in action, witnesses are encouraged to call 911 or 874-8575 (I just added that number into my phone under my good friend "Vandalism Graffiti", and you should too for easy access).
The city provided the seed money for the reward fund, but donations will hopefully keep it going.
'Do not approach a graffiti vandal,' a city news release states. 'Applicants for a reward must disclose their name and be willing to testify as a witness. Donations to the reward fund are gladly accepted to ensure the longevity of the program.'
If eyes everywhere are watching out and enforcing the consequences of tagging, hopefully vandals will come to the conclusion that a tag is really not worth it. It's an easy way for the rest of us to do our part to keep our city safe and clean while not putting ourselves in danger.