You Don’t Have to Wear a Mask at Hannaford Supermarkets if You’re Vaccinated
Okay...that is going to be weird.
Things are changing in the covid world we've grown accustomed to. And they are changing fast. In Maine, you no longer have to wear a mask indoor or outdoors if you are fully vaccinated. But that can change, if a business still requires you to wear them - it is their choice. Add Hannaford Supermarkets as one of the staples that will no longer require face coverings if you are fully vaccinated. News Center Maine said they made the announcement on their website:
Customers who are fully vaccinated against COVID-19 are no longer required to wear masks in our stores, except in those states and towns where a local law or ordinance requires mask usage. This change is taking place immediately in New York State, Vermont and New Hampshire. It goes into effect in Maine May 24 and Massachusetts on May 29, when state executive orders allow.
Individuals who have not received COVID-19 vaccination are asked to wear masks while shopping.
I first noticed this past weekend that the arrows, the circles of 6 feet separation...gone!
This is going to be an adjustment. I have been trying to hard to follow all the rules, I've rearranged how I shop to go down the aisles the right way. I have not been in Hannaford since the new mask rule.
If I'm being honest, I'm anxious. I'm not really sure why - I'm fully vaccinated. It's just..well, is it over? Will it come back with a vengeance? Will we all have to live through another year like 2020? Here's to being hopeful...
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