Young Man From Falmouth With Profound Autism Needs Service Dog
Paul Rosenblum is a 5th grade teacher in Falmouth, and Jack, his 21-year-old son needs our help.
Jack has profound autism and developed epilepsy at age 16. They have been able to treat his epilepsy, but not his seizures, which happen daily. The help of a dog would be life changing. But service dogs that are specially trained to detect seizures in advance are very expensive. They can be as expensive as $20,000-$30,000.
Paul Rosenblum, or "Mr. R." is a 5th grade teacher at Falmouth Elementary School in Falmouth. People who have kids in Mr. R's class started a GoFundMe page to help them get Jack a service dog.
Michele, whose daughter Kat has Mr. R. said this about Paul:
Mr. R. comes to school every day with kindness in his heart and a positive vibe that is contagious for many. His style of teaching and accepting each and every student where they are and for who they are is a gift. A gift that he has been given to so many students and families over the years. He fills kids with confidence in a world where confidence can be taken away by so many influences. He is an example of what many teachers should strive to be.
If you are able to help this great family get help for their son, it would really be appreciated.
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