The latest storm to hit Maine was unique in that only a few miles separated the rain from the snow. Portland so little to no accumulation while just a few mile inland there was decent accumulation. That made it a tough call for many municipalities on whether or not to issue a parking ban.

Auburn was forecast to be right on that rain-snow line and opted to go with no parking ban. They made the wrong call. Now the city needed to call a parking ban at 8 a.m. to clear snow and set it to begin at noon on Tuesday. With only four hours notice, that put some people in a tough spot.

"Damned if you do, Damned if you don't," the Auburn Police Department wrote on their Facebook page. "The rain/snow line kept jumping around. If we did a ban and we got rain, people would be calling us idiots for having a ban. So we flipped the coin and lost the toss."

With a parking ban in effect from noon to midnight, there would likely be many cars towed that didn't catch word of the ban. For this, the police and public works apologize and are waving the $35 impound fee for anyone who has their car towed.

Most of the comments from people on Facebook have been understanding that this was a tough call. So if you get to your car and find it gone, you'll know what happened. The good news is you can get it back for free.



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