Beat the Coronavirus…With a Bat and Get Candy
Yup. It's time to beat the daylights out of the coronavirus and get candy with the Q Morning Show's Coronavirus Pinata!
The Q Morning Show knows that this year has been just unbearable at times, thanks to that pesky pandemic. We want to take a little control back and whack it with a bat. That's why we'll come to your office and set up the coronavirus pinata for you to bust open witih a bat!
Stupid coronavirus...really, a mask? Anyway, we'll be safe. We roll up to your office, stay in the parking lot, set up the pinata, blindfold you, twirl you around, and let you loose with a bat! What could go wrong? (don't answer's still 2020).
All you have to do is tell us why you really need candy and to beat coronavirus with a bat! Stay safe, stay distanced and practice your swing!