Biddeford Primary School Installs a Book Vending Machine
Biddeford Primary School installed a new vending machine this week, but it's not giving out food or drink. This one is vending books. The books may be in a vending machine, but they are free to students using a token system.
It's called the Bookworm Vending Machine and was developed by Global Vending Group, who manufacture traditional vending machines. It comes custom wrapped in a theme for children and they provide tokens that students can earn to redeem a book.
In schools that it has been installed in, the kids absolutely love being able to get their own book with their tokens as you can see in this video from the manufacturer.
Biddeford Primary School installed the Bookworm Vending Machine this week and kids will soon be earning tokens, plunking them into the machine and watching in awe as the book they select drops down into the chute for them to keep forever.