Bob Marley Stand-Up Shows Coming to Maine Drive-In Theaters
Maine comedian Bob Marley is a genius. Not just because he's wicked funny, but because he knows what we Mainers need after months of staying hunkered down at home. We need to laugh. Bob is ready to make that happen by doing stand-up at Maine's drive-in theaters.
Since Maine drive-ins have opened for the season, they have become the perfect way for large crowds to get together and still observe social distancing. Not just movies, but other events with large crowds like high school graduations are finding the drive-in to be the perfect setting during the pandemic. So, why not stand-up comedy?
Bob Marley has scheduled shows at the Narrow Gauge Drive-In in Farmington, Pride's Corner Drive-In in Westbrook and the Bridgton Twin Drive-In. The shows in Farmington from May 20 to 25 have already sold out.
Tickets are still available for Pride's Corner Drive-in on May 28 and 29. Shows are at 4 and 6:30. Bridgton Twin Drive-in will also host Bob Marley on May 30 and 31 with shows each day at 3:30 and 6. Tickets are available on Bob Marley's website.
These may not be the only shows to come. One person commented on Bob's Facebook page that they have a drive-in in Madawaska to which Bob replied "Awesome! Thanks! We should try to make that happen!" There are also drive-in theaters in Saco, Bangor and Skowhegan, so you'll just have to keep and eye on Bob's website or Facebook page for an announcement of any new dates.
Keep in mind that social distancing measures will still be in place, with the most important one remaining in your car.
Bob hasn't been in hiding either during this coronavirus pandemic. Every day he has been posting a video to Facebook as part of his ongoing "Crona Watch 2020" coverage from home. It looks like he stopped shaving back on day one of Crona Watch 2020. It doesn't look too bad.