Breast Cancer Survivor Called ‘Sheep’ in Biddeford Pharmacy for Wearing a Mask
I hope the jerk reads this. Or better yet, has someone read it to him.
This got me super fired up! A friend of mine on Facebook had finally had enough. She posted something that broke my heart. I asked if I could support her by showing that there are more people that AREN'T like this idiot. She was a-okay with that.
So listen up idiot who called my friend a 'sheep'...please, please, please say it to me next time. I dare you! You spineless, heartless man. How dare you make grand assumptions based on the crap online you feed your starving brain. Here is what my friend wrote. Go ahead and not want to tear this jerk a new one.
I haven’t spoken much about what I’ve been through but I feel compelled after a brief interaction I had today. I was diagnosed with invasive breast cancer after a routine mammogram in April. I had surgery in June and just finished treatment 3 weeks ago. It wasn’t the summer I expected but one I won’t forget. Other than drs appointments and treatment I’ve been in my house. Today I felt good, good enough in fact that I decided to go IN to the pharmacy to pick up my prescription. As I was walking to the door I put my face mask on, a man walked passed me and said “sheep”. I turned and said “excuse me?”. He repeated himself. When I told him I just finished cancer treatment he kindly told me that I should stay home. He confronted me simply for wearing a mask and when he heard I had been sick he thought I should stay home rather than “offending” others with my mask. … after he left I got back in my car and picked up my prescription through the drive thru. Not because I agreed with him in ANY way but because he crushed the shred of self esteem I had built back up and the excitement I had felt to go into public was gone. I will say this once and I won’t say it again, my patience for anti masker/ anti vaxxers is gone. We live on this beautiful ball of dirt together and our time is finite so look out for each other and do what is right for the greater good. Get vaccinated, wear a mask and be kind. Any negative comments will be deleted. You don’t have to agree with me but today is NOT the day to talk about our differing opinions.
I am a big proponent of taking the high road in most cases. I often feel that it's stooping to react to the loads of garbage in our way every day. But I'm stooping. Because this is just plain wrong. I want him to know just how wrong it is.
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