Cart Abuse in Scarborough, Maine, Taken to a Whole New Level
I have written several articles here about my pet peeve with people who don't return their shopping carts to the cart corral. Now I'm not on the level of the famous YouTube channel Cart Narcs, who go around with a camera busting people personally for not returning their carts, but I'm a big fan of their channel.
Why do people not returning their carts to the corral after loading up their groceries bother me so much? Ever seen an open parking spot only to start to make your move and find a shopping cart sitting in it? Ever found a scratch on your car and a cart nestled right up to your door? I know I'm not the only one bothered by these things.
What I saw this week in Scarbrough however just baffles my mind.
I saw this Walmart shopping cart sitting against a curb in the parking lot.
And this Marshall's shopping cart was put up on the curb.
That's nothing new. I see that all the time, but what completely baffles me is both of these carts weren't evening the parking lots of the two stores they came from! I saw these on my way into Texas Road House, which is 1000 feet away from both Marshalls and Walmart.
Just look at them off in the distance.
Does this mean that someone parked their car, walked across the street, did their shopping and wheeled their full cart back across the street to the Texas Roadhouse parking lot to load up their stuff? I just can't comprehend that.
One thing we do know is that Walmart and Marshalls don't have anti-theft devices that lock up the wheels. That, or whoever did this pushed that sucker 1000 feet skidding all the way.