Doggie Poo Bags Tied to Car Windows in Maine is Not a Revenge Move
This truly looks like something you would do to an enemy, and yet people are doing it to themselves!
Many people have seen an obvious bag of doggie doo tied to the windshield wiper on the back of cars. Alicia Dussault saw one and couldn't believe what bad luck that car had saying,
They gonna be maaaaaad!
It's not revenge Alicia. It's what dog owners do with bags of poo they don't want to carry in their car! What happens after that...well, if it was me I would completely forget and that poo would hang there for weeks. I would only remember it when I went to put groceries in the back.
Who started this crazy trend anyway?
I get it. No one wants to have poop in their car, but truly if you see this and you have no idea what the dog culture is doing with poo bags - you instantly think it's a dis! I'm all for it! I mean, I've never done it and I have a dog, but hey, it beats having bags of poo left on the ground. That infuriates me. It's lazy and disrespectful. So if ya can't find a garbage can and you are going to eventually throw it away, the back of your car seems like a pretty good idea.
Pass the word, next time you see a bag of dog crap hanging from the back of a windshield wiper on the back of a car, know that the dog owner driving is doing the right thing. Weird, but right.
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