Oh Boy Falmouth, What’s With These New Trash Collection Bins?
Falmouth has switched to the new automated trash collection.
I'm not a big fan of change. The older I get, the more of a stickler I become. Now Falmouth has switched to automated trash collection. We are now using the cans that a truck grabs to empty, not a human.
The first thing I wondered is if the guys I see weekly no longer have a job. I'm hoping they were just moved to another area of collection...or something. The second thing I wondered about is how this new system relies on us to help out. Before, you just put your trash out and the truck moved along and collectors hauled it away and tossed your cans. Now a machine has to do it, and they have to be placed correctly or it doesn't work!
I found the don'ts funny.
I suppose the list of don'ts is funny the same reason it warns you not to use a hair dryer in the bathtub. Would people actually put the trash can BEHIND their mailbox? If you have to tell people NOT to do that, I wonder how this first week of this is going to go.
I appreciated the warning.
I first heard about this weeks ago from an older gentleman complaining about the new system. That made me go online and read about Falmouth getting these new bins. It appears I'm not the only one who doesn't like change. But when I saw the new bins as I drove home, I was fully aware of what was happening. Now I wanna see if I can catch it in action!
Okay Falmouth, I've read everything and have my new trash cans waiting for you!
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