How Did Maine Do on the List of Best States to Live In?
U.S. News and World Report loves putting out best of lists for U.S. States. Sometimes Maine ranks high and other times, not so much. For the third year, they have released their list of the best states to live in and you have to dig deep to find Maine.
The list is determined by several factors like health care, education, economy, road and bridge conditions, internet service, and a state's fiscal stability. These are just some of the many metrics used to compile the list.
When all the data was crunched, Maine landed at number 32 for best states to live in. The two biggest contributing factor for the low score is Maine's infrastructure and natural environment.
For infrastructure, there's no doubt that Maine's roads and bridges are in some bad shape. With the price of construction going up, the state recently had to put a lot of projects on hold.
As for natural environment, Maine gets a low score for its quality of air and water and exposure to pollution and toxins. Governor Janet Mills has been very vigilant on taking steps she thinks will improve Maine's environment.
Our next door neighbor New Hampshire scored very well on the list at number 2 with very good scores for education, opportunity, crime and natural environment.
If you want to see the individual scores for Maine and how other states scored, you can check out the list by hitting the link below.