How to Make Your Very Own Uncle Nicky Buzz Button
My actual uncle, Uncle Nicky, is as corny as they come and I love him for it!
Uncle Nicky is almost 80 years old and is an engineer by trade. If you have listened to our weekly segment, 'Coffee with Uncle Nicky', you know he can be a goofball too. Not hard to see where I get it.
Out of the blue, he sent me an envelope and instructed me to open it in front of Brittany and Jeff and live on air! I opened it and out popped some weird device. He said it's a trick...that he made! After speaking with him, we came up with the name of Uncle Nicky's Buzz Button (please don't share the possible other definitions of the name).
Essentially it's a rubber band twisted and held with a piece of wire. It unfurls feverishly when you 'release' it by opening the envelope. We asked Uncle Nicky to mass-produce the trick. He said no. The next best thing is getting the instructions on how to make your very own. Here are the handwritten directions from Uncle Nicky:
Here are the items you need.
It all seems so simple and yet so complicated. I would use the wire of a hanger if you can cut it. And for the circle, if you have a button with holes you can get a rubber band through, that should do the trick. Here's a step-by-step video to help. Or confuse the whole thing even more.
Uncle Nicky used an index card. That's a good idea because it's a bit thicker than a piece of paper. You need that thickness to contain the fun of the Buzz Button.
Tape it up and place it in any envelope! We have sent ours to Lee Goldbert at News Center Maine. We have also warned Lee to be on the lookout and to record his reaction. So who wants to attempt to make their own Buzz Button? Let me know and I'll be sure to share with Uncle Nicky!
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