If I had a nickel for every time someone asked me if Clynk has closed...

Clynk is very much open and very, very busy! In fact, they are the busiest they've been in their 17-year history. At many locations in Hannaford parking lots, you will see bags piled up outside of the containers. That's led to people wondering if Clynk is still in business.

- Baylis Hodges Facebook
- Baylis Hodges Facebook

Yes. Clynk IS very much in business and in fact, picking up bags around the clock! In a recent Facebook post Clynk outlined why they are so darn busy:

  • The large increase in tourist traffic to our state
  • Staffing shortages across all industries
  • The recent closings of redemption centers throughout the state. Additionally, these factors have also created a higher volume of bag drops from local restaurants, bars, hotels, and resorts that now use CLYNK as other alternatives no longer exist.

Well, that explains a lot! There are things you can do to help. Because no one really wants to leave their bags outside. It's basically money and it could very easily be stolen.


How to help get your bags recycled by Clynk.

Clynk is asking that you drop no more than three bags per day. That will let more people drop their bags and not have to leave them outside. Also, please, please limit the weight to about 20 lbs. 40-50+ pounds is unsafe for all everyone and the bag will likely break and well, that delays everything. These two things will help Clynk clear out the depots and get back on a more predictable and regular schedule.

As with most things these days, your patience is appreciated. They are doing an amazing job against all odds! Plus helping out with the annual Cans for a Cure! Breath and recycle - it's all gonna work itself out!

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