Jeffpardy! is the Game Show All About Me
What would it be like if Jeopardy! was all about me? Some guy had some free time on his hands so he edited together clips from Jeopardy! to make it all about Jeff. This...is....Jeffpardy!
All the contestants are named Jeff, all the categories are Jeff, and all the answers are Jeff. Sadly Jeff answered incorrectly once with San Francisco. Come on Jeff!
"I'll take Jeff for $200." That's all I'm worth?
This is the closest I'll ever get to being on Jeopardy! I'm more of a The Price is Right kind of guy. I can't tell you what year Napoleon was born, but I can tell you that if you want to win at Cliff Hangers and keep the yodely guy from going over the edge, you have to guess the prices of the products in numbers divisible by 5 and increase as you go along.
Yes. I am definitely a geek.
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