Joe Cupo is Retiring After 37 Years!
Joe Cupo, who everyone knows as the weather guy on Channel 6 is retiring after 37 years.
He's been on WCSH, Channel 6, since 1979 and his last day will be April 22.
He's one of 9 employees at both Portland's WCSH and Bangor's WLBZ to take 'voluntary retirement'. Steve McKay from WLBZ is also retiring.
I may be seeing Joe around more. He lives in Falmouth..although I suspect (and hope) in a better area than I do. He loves to ride his bike (know that from watching TV and doing several charity events with Joe over the years) and apparently he's quite the gardener too!
I've been watching Joe since I moved to Maine over 30 years ago...it will be weird not to see him any more!
Good for you Joe! Enjoy your retirement!
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