Lewiston, Maine, is Home to a True Hidden Gem
It's not that I wasn't a believer before. I've always believed in some capacity, I just never really had a first-hand experience with it. But the universe works in some really random, mysterious ways -- to the point that it's impossible to believe there's not some kind of path or plan for everyone.
Leapin' Lizards in Portland, Maine
Last week, my friend Meghan mentioned she had scheduled a session with a psychic at Leapin' Lizards on Forest Ave in Portland. She came out of that session mentioning that she had the most profound experience ever, which only boosted my intrigue.
And don't get it twisted -- the intrigue has been there for years. Like, since I was in high school when my parents had split up and my Mom had gone to a psychic party with her best friend.
She came home absolutely amazed at how dead on her psychic was about some information she said, intrigued by events she said she mentioned would happen in the future (and some of which did in some form), and just the entire process.
Yet, through all my intrigue and curiosity, I never once scheduled time myself with a psychic or anything like it. Until a true, hidden gem from Lewiston, Maine, was sitting in the lobby of the station when I rolled in this morning.
Mike the Tarot Guy
The "hidden gem" I referenced above and in the headline isn't a destination. It's not a product. It's a genuine human being who only wants to bring good and spread good to people's lives.
Based in Lewiston, Mike the Tarot Guy was actually here for an on-air reading with a co-worker. And even though I've never pulled the trigger on a session with a psychic, medium, or tarot reader before, when he offered to read my cards after he finished with my co-worker, without even thinking I agreed.
It's been two-and-a-half hours and my mind is still blown.
I went in with zero expectations and a little bit of fear, honestly. Zero expectations in that I'm a pretty private person so while I'll share the surface-level of myself without any issue, there's a decent chunk of myself I keep private and only expose to certain people (the irony - he called me out on that during my reading.)
And the fear? Well, who wants to accidentally unearth something they may have buried deep down for one reason or another without even realizing it, and suddenly it comes back full force and smacks you in the face?
I never told Mike this during the reading, but I became an instant believer as soon as he asked if I was a Cancer, because he was seeing visions of crabs. At first, I assumed it was a reference to my Mom, who is a Cancer, but then a light bulb went off and I started rolling up one of the long sleeves on my shirt to reveal an arm full of tattoos.
One of which? A crab.
For the next 30 minutes, Mike literally hit on every feeling I have about my life right now -- dead on.
Which blows my mind because I met him once a couple of months ago and the only words we ever exchanged with each other were "Hi, nice to meet you!" -- yet he literally told me so many aspects about myself and where I'm at career-wise, relationship-wise, fear-wise, and in so many other ways that even some of the people closest to me don't know.
It's hard to explain the feeling during the entire session, but the best metaphor I can compare it to -- you know when you're peeling a hard-boiled egg? You crack it all around and when you make the first attempt at peeling it, it can be stubborn and difficult, but then you find that one sweet spot where it starts peeling off easily.
It's like when he made the crab reference/connection, he finished cracking my "shell" and started to peel it. And with each card he flipped and each explanation and connection he made, the peeling just got easier and easier until we reached the end of our session and there I was, just sitting there as this fully de-shelled, hard-boiled egg.
And the best part? I felt so weightless after the session was over. My words to him were "it literally feels like every negative thing just drained out of me and all that's left is just this weightless, positive, good feeling."
And honestly, that's a hell of a feeling. One that I'm not sure I've ever had without being in the middle of a tropical island floating in the ocean under the sun without a care in the world.
But thankfully, Mike the Tarot Guy is a lot less expensive than a tropical getaway, and he'll actually travel to you. You can find out more about Mike and read testimonials from some of his clients (which are way shorter than this one, promise), plus book time with him on his official website.