Maine Colleges Are Forming Varsity eSports Teams
Move over football, baseball an basketball. There's a new sport on the way to college campuses in Maine where teams play Fortnite, League of Legends, Counter-Strike, or Rocket League.
The 2017 World Series had an average of 18.9 million viewers. The 2017 League of Legends had 33 million viewers. ESPN estimates that eSports will be watched by more than 427 million people in 2019.
Two colleges in Maine have seen the trend and have announced plans to form varsity eSports teams in 2019. Thomas College and Central Maine Community College will add teams in the spring and are currently seeking gamers.
Thomas College's team will have uniforms, a coach, practice times and state of the art gaming computers. CMCC is building a state-of-the-art eSports arena that will have 30 gameing computers and Xbox One and PS4s. Players will have to meet the same requirements as all athletes at the colleges to participate.
So the next time your 12-year-old says they want to be a professional gamer, you might want to remember that. If your kid is good enough, they might be getting a college scholarship.