Maine Underground Salsa Lady Goes Big Time…Over 1 Million in Sales!
Have you tried Plucked Salsa? Kelly from Windham started making it for friends in her basement. She's now in Hannaford, Whole Foods and a ton of colleges across New England.
Kelly's story made me want to try her salsa...and be her best friend!
Right after my son was born I went back to work after maternity leave and people at work started asking me to make them salsa. (Ya know how offices are and how everyone tries what you're eating.) Anyway... They kept asking and I told them I didn't have time. And the only thing I was making these days were babies.
Anyway I told them to give me $10 I would make them a big jar of it so they would leave me alone. I posted a pic of the salsa on my fb page a few years ago... and people started asking me for some. Kept telling them No..
Then we caved.. and when my kid would go to sleep, I would make salsa at night and my husband and I would bring coolers to work and we would literally drive around and people would leave $5 under their mat and I would drop off a jar of salsa.
I became like this weird underground salsa person. Some law offices called for salsa, CMP asked that I cater one of their events.
Anyway.. I was like well shit this is easy, I'll quit my full time job.. lose my benefits and I can start a salsa company and stay home and watch my kid grow.
So... I did. (Like a freaking IDIOT.)
We built a commercial kitchen in our basement of our home and we started dropping off samples .. like everywhere. In our first year of business we got into 35 whole foods in the New England area, a bunch of local stores throughout Maine and NH..
It was a crazy fast moving train.
Just about 4 years later... we were picked up by the largest national distributor in the US and Canada, Sysco now carries us for bulk products and Hannaford has brought us in as well. We work out of the Fork Food Lab in Portland for now.. and instead of delivering pints to places.. we have trucks that pick up pallets of product. Its insane. We make about 2000-3000 lbs of salsa each week. It's all fresh, refrigerated, no preservatives, nothin funky in there. We have had some stories written about us in Portland Mag (the worst pic of me ever), Maine Biz, some local newspapers... etc.
Oh and we were nominated for Portland's Hustler award ( nothing do with my Mom Bod), and won Portland's Entreverge award 2 years ago for new rising businesses in Maine.
They have 4 flavors, mild, pure, sinful and sweet. I tried 3 outta 4. I'm a heat sissy.
I love them! It's fresh and I damn near plowed through a bag of tortilla chips. I love the freshness, the flavor and that story makes it taste even better!
Next time you are in the store and you see Plucked...think of Kelly, the underground salsa lady gone big time, and try her salsa. You'll be a fan too!
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