Is Maine Dealing With a Watering Can Shortage?
It’s honestly unlike anything else I’ve ever seen before. Or, perhaps, not seen, since they were absolutely nowhere to be found.
I recently moved into a house that came with plenty amazing features, including a couple of hanging geraniums as well as hanging ferns. At first, right when I moved in, I’d either depend on the little rain we’ve gotten lately to water everything or use a keg cup (a Solo cup, if you’re unfamiliar – sometimes old college terminology is hard to quit) to get the job done.
But I figured using a keg cup to water plants when you’re living in a dorm at college or even your first apartment is one thing, but when you take the massive step into adulthood that is homeownership, the least you can do is respect your property by stepping up your game and watering your flowers with an actual watering can. (Plus, imagine what the neighbors would think watching some single dude constantly water his plants and flowers with the same kind of utensil they’d tap kegs with all those years ago.)
One problem – watering cans are nowhere to be found. On the endangered species list. Quite possibly extinct.
Listen, throughout the last couple of years, we’ve seen a shortage of a lot of random products – toilet paper, cream cheese – even rumors of avocado and chicken wing shortages have been floating around. But watering cans? Did every single human in the world decide to start rocking a green thumb at the same time?
I went to four or five stores – FOUR OR FIVE STORES – and every single one of them was fresh out of watering cans. And I don’t mean just a couple of empty spots on shelves – I mean the entire aisle looked like scenes from The Walking Dead with empty shelves from a store that had been abandoned for years because of the zombie apocalypse.
Granted, it is July so it could be late in the season to be able to easily snag some landscaping materials like watering cans, but five stores – which were a healthy mix of the mom and pop stores and the chain stores – all completely wiped out? Like, horribly, insanely wiped out? Are watering cans the next shortage we’re experiencing? Is this just a Maine issue? Or was it just complete bad luck?