Mainer Sydney Releases New Video Illustrated by Corona, NY Native
Who knew there was a Corona, New York - and a very talented illustrator from there just helped a very talented singer from Maine.
Sydney grew up in Richmond and thanks to her Instagram account, she's doing great things in her singing career - including a new video!
A couple of years ago we met Sydney (yes...just Sydney...think Cher only decades younger). She grew up in Richmond and was approached a couple of years ago by DaCav because of her Instagram account. They asked her to be featured on some tracks and then - she was so impressive, they asked her to join the band!
She was also given a beat for 'No Time'. Just a beat, and told to do something with it. She wrote her parts and they are REALLY GOOD! They recorded in New Jersey and released 'No Time'.
Sydney is venturing out on her own and still doing some great stuff for DaCav. But last summer she released '100'
Do you think the video has a familiar feeling? It should - it's 100% Maine! The videographer, the props, the car, the dancers (Red Claw Dancers!) and locations. The beach and arcade scenes are in Old Orchard Beach and the boat scene is at the DiMillo's pier!
Plus, Sydney directed the video herself!
Her latest is 'Make Me Stay' - an animated video, and yes...the animation was done by 23-year-old Fanny Bravo from Corona, New York. I know, the first time I heard the word Corona and didn't cringe.
This talented powerhouse is a nice distraction right now. Enjoy her latest and keep an eye out for more great things...
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