Maine’s 10 Dumbest Laws
Every state has some pretty crazy laws, but some of the laws here in Maine are just nuts!
Way back when, "blue laws" were passed to make sure everyone acted all respectably on Sundays. Go figure: a lot of those laws are still on the books!
According to DumbLaws.com, here's a list of the ten craziest laws still on the books here in the pine tree state:
10 - Bullets may not be used as currency.
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9 - It's illegal to advertise in cemeteries.
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8 - In South Berwick, it's illegal to park in front of Dunkin Donuts!
Only the cops can do that!
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7 - It's illegal to "expectorate" (cough up phlegm) from second story windows!
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6 - In Freeport, mercury thermometers are against the law.
Maybe this is so the tourists can't tell how hot the deals are!
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5 - In Biddeford, it's illegal to gamble at the airport.
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4 - In Augusta, to stroll down the street while playing the violin is against the law.
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3 - You may not step out of a plane in flight.
Guess skydiving is illegal??
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2 - After January 14th, you will be fined if your Christmas decorations are still up.
Let's just be honest - this is an awesome law!
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1 - Shotguns are required to be taken to church, in case of native american attacks!
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