Going to camp in Maine is very popular. Now there's a new camp in town.


Avid4 Adventure is a chain of summer camps and they are based in Colorado. According to Maine Biz, they started in Colorado, but this year they are adding 5 new locations and the only ones east of the Mississippi are in Boston and Maine. Going to summer camp in Maine is big business. In fact, it's a $200 million dollar business.

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Advid4 Adventure/Facebook


Avid4 Adventure is throwing their kayak into the ring here in Maine. They will be based out of Falmouth at the Congregational Church, but the adventures will be throughout southern Maine. They are offering a series of two-week and one-week day camps from June through August, with mountain biking, rock climbing, kayaking, and more.

The camps are going to teach kids ages 5-13,

both basic and advanced outdoor skills as well as how to use sound judgment and problem-solving in all aspects of their lives.

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Advid4 Adventure/Facebook


Camps fill up fast in Maine. Many have had generations of Mainers going. Will you try Avid4? Their website describes camp instructors and educators that are trained and connect with your kids. They use the best gear that is specifically sized for kids. They focus on safety including transporting your child. But the part of that caught my attention was HOW do they get such great employees? It's simple. They pay them.

We are able to recruit and retain world-class outdoor educators because we are committed to paying a Living Wage for our seasonal staff. Living Wages are expected to increase more than 25% in 2022, and we stand by our commitment.

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Advid4 Adventure/Facebook

I like that. I think that if you are willing to pay for good talent, you will get great talent. Advid4 Adventure day camps are actually booking for 2022. Do you want to check it out?



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