New Hampshire Boy Crosses Cultural Boundaries With Adorable Act of Respect
It goes without saying that right now (and honestly, for a little while now), the world is a bit dumpster fiery. In fact, it's possible to say that we've truly never been more divided as a country, despite all the heartbreaking events that keep occurring week after week -- elementary school shootings in Texas, hospital shootings in Tulsa, Oklahoma, and everything in between.
When the world is full of that, it can be a true drain and tough to see any light through the darkness. Enter Jordan Rousse and her son, Noah.
According to his Mom, Noah just turned 9 years old and is in the third grade. Having just celebrated a birthday, Jordan has been planning a birthday party and recently sent out invitations to all the kids in his class. Pretty standard, right? Here's where the amazingness of Noah (and Jordan's parenting) comes into play, as outlined in a Facebook post from Jordan.
"His best friend came into school and told him his parents only speak Spanish so he didn’t think he would be able to come. I woke up this morning to find him sitting at the dining room table translating each word from English to Spanish so his friend could give it to his parents."
Let that sink in for a second. In a time when most kids are just using tablets and phones to text or play games and forget the world around them, Noah used his access to technology to look up how to communicate with his best friend's parents to ask permission for him to attend his birthday party. An act that certainly didn't go unnoticed by Jordan's friends, based on the comments on her Facebook post, as well as Jordan herself.
"In a time when the world seems so full of hate, he has reminded me there is still so much good and I needed that! This isn’t something he has done before but has now asked to take Spanish lessons! He has always had such a giving heart since he was a toddler. Just a pure heart from the start. I’ve always encouraged that in him as much as I can. I think with how much division is going on in this country it’s a great reminder that children don’t see color, religion or sexual orientation they just see people which is how it should be!"
Noah's heartwarming act may have reminded Jordan, in her own words, that "there is still so much good," but make no mistake -- Noah's act, being only 9, is a great reminder that skills like this are learned at home through good parenting. And that seems like something Jordan already has a strong grasp of if Noah's actions are any indication.