The Cheapskate Sucknugget at a Popular New Hampshire Mexican Restaurant Was Almost Me
Cinco de Mayo Celebrations
This past Friday was fantastic for so many reasons. After basically two weeks of nonstop rain, the weather finally broke earlier on Friday and from late morning through the rest of the night, the sun was out, the temps were in the 60s, and it was gorgeous.
It was also Cinco de Mayo, which was a good reason to either bang out "sick" from work for the day or leave early and get out to enjoy the weather. And margaritas. And delicious food.
Cinco's Cantina in Epping, NH
I've known the Tellez Family for a few years now, ever since they opened Cinco de Mayo on Central Ave in Dover, New Hampshire. They're some of the most hardworking, hilarious, friendly human beings on the face of the planet.
So, it was a celebration as both a customer and acquaintance when they announced and eventually opened their second restaurant in Epping, New Hampshire, Cinco's Cantina. Because you love seeing people like the Tellez Family win.
Which is exactly why I felt next-level horrible the day after Cinco de Mayo when I thought I accidentally stiffed them on my tab for the few hours I spent at Cinco's Cantina on Friday.
It was absolute madness pretty much all day long at Cinco's Cantina on Friday for Cinco de Mayo (and Saturday as well since they made it a two-day celebration.)
And in between hopping on their house microphone to help with some in-house giveaways and talking to some hilarious customers there, I barely had any time to eat or drink a thing. But, considering it's some of the best authentic Mexican food in the area, I made sure to at least order chips and their killer guacamole.
I also ordered a margarita since I've never had a bad one either there or at their Cinco de Mayo location in Dover. I crushed the guac and drank about a quarter of the marg in between hopping on the microphone, before finally wrapping up and starting to help others break down.
And in recapping how great the day was on Saturday morning, I realized that I was possibly the most massive hypocrite ever. Because my last time on the house microphone there, I purposely (but jokingly) dropped the line,
This entire staff has been killing it all day long, so don't be one of those people me and my coworkers will write a blog about for leaving a cheap tip -- take care of your waiter, waitress, and bartender.
Yet, here I am, writing a blog about how I was almost "one of those people" because in the madness of breaking down and everything else going on, I didn't realize until the next morning that I had never paid.
All I could think of was how I literally roasted people to show some extra appreciation with their tip, and yet I was the cheapskate scumbag that straight up walked out on my tab.
Thanks to the coworker that ended up covering my bill so I now don't have to walk through the rest of my life (or at least my eventual return visit to Cinco's Cantina) as the biggest, most hypocritical, cheapskate scumbag in New England.