Presque Isle High Speed Chase Forces Police to Use PIT Maneuver
When a man in Preqsue Isle was pulled over by local police for a gas drive off, he led them and State Police on a high speed chase that stopped after a successful PIT maneuver.
George Peaslee of Presque Isle drove off with out paying for gas and when he was stopped by police, he told them he wasn't getting out of the car and sped off. He eventually reached speeds of 100 mph and. A spike mat slowed him down, but he kept on going and had to be stopped by a trooper making a PIT maneuver.
PIT stands for Pursuit Intervention Technique. It's used by police to stop a vehicle by hitting it to precisely to send it into a spin and stop. Here's an example of a perfectly executed PIT maneuver.
The man was stopped and charged by both departments with all sorts of crimes. You can see the list below and the damage to both cars from the PIT maneuver. Because of the Troopers skill at stopping the vehicle, no one was hurt.
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