Q97.9’s Suds, Clubs and Duds For Father’s Day
Food, beer and golf. Now we've got your attention dad.
Dad, wanna win 100 dollars to Nonesuch River Brewing? Of course you do. You can social distance AND have great beer and food! That's the suds part...
But wait, there's more! You can also win a round of golf for 4 people plus cart at Val Halla Golf Course in Cumberland Center! That's the clubs part...
Okay dad...now we really have you drooling! Clean that drool up because to win this awesome Father's Day prize, you have to give us your best Dad Joke. That's the duds part!
How do you get a squirrel to like you? Act like a nut.
Yup. That's a Dad joke! Tell us yours! We will pick a winner this Friday the 19th! Because, believe it or not, Father's Day is THIS SUNDAY THE 21ST! That's the first full day of summer! Grab the Q97.9 app and send us your lame-o dad joke and good luck!