Rain rain go away.. NOT A CHANCE.

You guys, how about this rain? I can't believe the amount of water we've had falling from the skies this year. It's been outrageous.. but is it a good thing?

Were you all aware that in the entire month of June, our beloved Mount Washington experienced a MASSIVE 16.58 inches of rainfall? It's true and that is A LOT! This is according to United States Forest Service, White Mountain National Forest. 

U.S. Forest Service - White Mountain National Forest via Facebook
U.S. Forest Service - White Mountain National Forest via Facebook

As the post states, that this is the 2nd highest recorded amount of what I like to call "cloud showering" ever documented on the summit of this beautiful Mountain top.

Now, because of this, the water crossings along certain hiking trails have reached crazy levels. It's also worth saying that

This stands as the second-highest recorded amount of rainfall ever documented on the summit. Because of this, the water that has fallen on the hiking trails has been measured higher then ever before at unprecedented levels.

It's worth saying that when you approach a river crossing, you have to be careful.

Even if the water looks like it's shallow, the current could be so strong as to sweep you off your feet.

The United States Forest Service, White Mountain National Forest posted about this rainfall with a photo and stated that it could potentially hazardous for you to get sucked into these fast currents, even as little as 2 feet of water!

Because of the huge amount of rainfall these folks want you to be careful and safe.

So the tip is: it is VITAL to be cautious when hiking this and turning back isn't anything to feel bad about.

Look at Maine's 10 Longest Rivers

Maine is an outdoor wonderland, mainly due to its incredible terrain. One of those treasures is Maine's vast river system. In fact, its one of the more impressive ones in the country.

According to WorldAtlas.com, Maine has one of the largest systems in the United States, with the top 10 rivers all being over 75 miles.

Here is that list, which includes many nationally-known rivers.

Some of the Stinkiest Towns in Maine According to Mainers

Mainers were asked what towns they thought were the stinkiest, and here were some of the responses.

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