Runaway Cows in Newcastle, Maine Area
I, like many others, follow Maine Lost Dog Recovery on Facebook. It's a great way to get as many eyes on a missing pup as possible in hopes of reuniting them and their owners.
Today on my feed, Maine Lost Dog Recovery popped up but not for a dog, no, for cows!
These two poor Scottish highlands were just obtained on Sunday and already jumped the fence. Literally!
They were last seen in the woods between Jones Woods Road and Old County Road in Newcastle.
If you spot the cattle be sure to leave them alone or they're likely to run. Officials are asking you call Jeremy at 207-504-6963 or Lincoln County Dispatch for the animal control officer at 207-882-7332.
I hope these two get found really soon! Keep your eyes out if you're in the Newcastle area. Especially this time of year where between potentially slick roads and winding turns, it may be hard to see them in or near the road if you're not paying attention!