Scary Video Shows Why You Need To Stay Off Railroad Tracks
With two recent deaths in Maine caused when a train collided with trespassers walking on the tracks, this scary video of a family taking pictures on tracks in Pennsylvania shows why you need to stay off the tracks.
In February, two men have been struck and killed by trains in Falmouth and Portland, a tragedy that could have easily been avoided by staying off the tracks.
A recent trend in photography has been photo sessions on railroad tracks. That's what a family in Greencastle, PA were caught on camera doing. The YouTube channel Virtual Train Fan sets up cameras near tracks for rail fans to watch train movements. One of those cameras caught this family on the tracks on February 23 and shows them taking pictures and the kids playing around the tracks and walking along the rails.
One of the myths that people tend to believe is if they see a train coming they can get out of the way. That's not always true. Watch the clock that starts when the family sees the train and see how little time it takes to reach them just as they make it safety.
This could have turned out tragically.
Remember, trains can't stop quickly and you may not be able to get out of the way in time. Don't become part of the recent tragedies we've seen in Maine and stay off the railroad tracks. It doesn't matter if you think you can get out of the way in time or if you think the tracks are inactive. They may not be. If you are on any railroad tracks, you are trespassing and could be arrested. More importantly, you are risking your life.