Snow Days Could Be a Thing of the Past in Maine
I think we can all agree, that 3 snow days before December is a lot to deal with. Lewiston-Auburn is looking into 'remote school days'.
Lewiston-Auburn is looking at a pilot program in Camden-Rockport called 'remote school days' where students do their work from home on computers starting December 1st.
According to the Sun Journal the Camden-Rockport schools Superintendent Maria Libby said,
The idea came to me last year because I knew other states were trying this. It’s worth trying. It’s better than having to go to school on Saturdays or extending the days by an hour. The concept with the remote school day is students will be having school remotely from their homes.
It's a great concept. Kids K-6 would take home “blizzard bags” with paper school work, and the older grades, 7-12 would do their stuff on laptops. If you don't do your work on a snow day, they mark you as absent!
It's obviously risky, and the Superintendent said that they won't do more tan two remote school days this winter. And according to the Sun Journal, Libby said if the first is “an utter disaster” there won’t be a second.
That's awesome! Because a lot of districts are watching them to see how it goes.
They gotta do something, because Lewiston set a record of nine snow days last year and had to go to school until the first day of summer on June 21.