Teachers Urged to Start Off School Year By Sending Letters to El Paso
A listener sent us this post that turned up in her facebook feed that's going viral after the WalMart shooting in El Paso that killed at least 22 people and injured dozens more. It comes from a teacher in El Paso, Texas who is having a hard time convincing students that there is good in the world after the traumatic massacre at the mall.
In order to help students know there is plenty of good in the world and that the rest of the country is sending love and strength their way, teachers of El Paso are asking teachers everywhere (and anyone else who is willing) to have their students write messages of support to kids in Texas at the beginning of the school year.
If you're a teacher, or a parent, or a human who has the time to grab an envelope and write a quick letter of love and support, this is an excellent way to support the kids who are feeling helpless and fearful in El Paso and surrounding communities. Send the post card to the addresses above and help these teachers convince their students that there is still so much good in the world.
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