
UMaine Says No To Parties
UMaine Says No To Parties
UMaine Says No To Parties
As you may have heard several schools have already suspended classes across the country because off-campus parties have created a hazard to help with the spread of COVID-19 that's why the University of Maine system came out with this directive.
Portland High Schools Finally Graduate!
Portland High Schools Finally Graduate!
Portland High Schools Finally Graduate!
Earlier this week, Portland High School finally had their chance to have their students walk. Last night Casco Bay high school did the same as the two prominent high schools in Portland graduated their classes of 2020 into a new and mysterious world.
Maine High Schools To Plan In Person Graduations?
Maine High Schools To Plan In Person Graduations?
Maine High Schools To Plan In Person Graduations?
So it looks like plans are in the works for Maine Schools to have in-person Graduations! This must be excellent news for students and parents who had worries about missing out on the memory of walking across that stage.

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