Portland High Schools Finally Graduate!
Earlier this week, Portland High School finally had their chance to have their students walk. Last night Casco Bay high school did the same as the two prominent high schools in Portland graduated their classes of 2020 into a new and mysterious world. With colleges deciding if they're going to do campus classes online or in-person and the economy on a downturn, people wonder what's next. However, all of the students who graduated from these exceptional high schools this week still have a sense of hopefulness. After all, the world is their oyster.
This week, all of the Portland Graduations were held at Ocean Gateway by car, in which a student was only allowed to get out of the vehicle to receive their diploma. According to News Center Maine, only allowed to take off their mask when it was time for their graduation photo. These are definitely unprecedented times, but we're all very confident that the class of 2020 will persevere and bring our country to a brighter future.
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