First and foremost, no one was hurt!

This storm, this crazy thunderstorm, attacked Peaks Island with a vengeance. The restaurant Jone's Landing thought they were prepared. And for a normal thunderstorm, they were. But this was no normal thunderstorm. Molly Ritzo noted on Facebook that they had fed lunch to 100 people on the deck at Jones Landing. Sure it was overcast, but it was a nice day. They knew a storm was coming in the afternoon - so they got ready. They closed the Milly's Skillet food truck early. They got the deck buttoned up. Molly even went for a swim.

Even though this video shows some strong winds and rain, it's still pretty normal. But then it became evident that this was no ordinary storm. The following video has some language (you'd swear too!) This is when things started to get scary.

Thankfully, no one was hurt. But Peaks Island was really torn up. There was significant damage to neighboring restaurants and houses. It was pretty disturbing for everyone.

But, as with most bad things, there is a silver lining. It's the people who came to help. Molly Riztos said,

Today, the sun was shining and our AMAZING work family came together with friends and neighbors and conquered what seemed like an impossible task of restoring order. It was a fun day of hard work and meeting of minds. These are some impressive people, our little crew. We are all so lucky to have found each other. Thank you all! What a tremendous effort. Celia Rose Conaghan Nick Conaghan Tess Bickford Jesse Morrill Chelsea Campbell Peer Prescott Piti Albernas Robert T. Greenlaw II Jeri Alexandra Conley Robin Clark , Wyatt, Josh, Josh, Shawn, Declan, Brendan, Milan, Maddy, Breezy, Donovan, Neighbor Dave, Neighbor Steve, Max, Ali, Chris Duffy.

Molly was able to capture the storm in pictures. From the devastation to the rebuilding...

Peaks Island Storm Damage


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