This Yurt in Easton, Maine Turned Out To Be a Great Place to Stay in The County
Michele has a long-running bucket list, and one of those items was to see the to-scale model of the solar system that is spread out next to Route 1 between Presque Isle and Houlton up in Aroostook county. More on that another time.
Not wanting to be the one to stand in the way of a bucket list item, I agreed to take two days of our vacation for a trip all the way up to Aroostook County to see the solar system. Then she told me, "We're going to stay overnight in a yurt too." What?
So one Wikipedia search later and I found out that a yurt is a structure with "an angled assembly or latticework of wood or bamboo for walls, a door frame, ribs (poles, rafters), and a wheel (crown, compression ring) possibly steam-bent." Okay, so that's a traditional yurt which sounds kind of like a tent to me, which made me think "Does Aroostook county not have hotels?" Okay, Michele. Let's go.
The yurt is in the town of Easton, Maine and is owned by Back to the Basics Yurt, a family-owned business run by Traci and Chuck Halvorson. To reach it, we drove our car through fields on a wide-mowed road that had better grass growing on it than in my backyard.
We arrived at the top of the hill and drove right up to the yurt getting a spectacular view of the landscape with windmills on the mountains in the distance and more stars at night than you can see just about anywhere else in Maine. Light pollution is not a thing in this area of Maine.
This Yurt in Easton, Maine Turned Out To Be a Great Place to Stay in The County
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