The Owners of a Stolen Sign in Waterford Want It Back
Someone managed to make off with a rather large sign on Mill Hill Road on Waterfrord overnight and the owners are asking for it back.
The sign at the entrance to Keoka Beach Campground was last seen in place on Wednesday and was discovered missing Thursday morning. Here's what the sign looked like before it was stolen.
Someone or several someones managed to remove it from its mount and run off with it.
As of now, the campground owners are asking on Facebook if anyone sees it or knows where it might be to call them at 207-583-2868.
This is a pretty rotten thing to do, but it sounds like they may be willing to forgive if the sign is simply returned. If you're reading this and you have the sign, do the right thing. If you don't have the sign, pass the word along and let's hope we can find it.