Meanwhile, in Brownville, Maine...

The deer are hungry! But that's not a problem in this small town about 40 miles north of Bangor, because they have a whole buffet just laid out for them!

The Brownville Food Pantry for Deer has three livestreams of their guests, and if you look closely, you can see some hungry animals come on over for some chow. While the intended recipients of the feed are deer, it's not uncommon to see a few turkeys in the mix too.

Here are the current livestreams:

According to the organization's YouTube channel, donations for deer food are welcome. They have a GoFundMe page setup here, or you can donate via PayPal by sending to: You can also pay by check made payable to: Brownville’s Food Pantry for Deer, 16 Rips Rd. Brownville, ME USA 04414

Happy watching!

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