WATCH: Hilarious New England Parody of Miley Cyrus’ ‘Flowers’
Honestly, I feel that everyone loves a good parody. Heck, I even write my own parodies from time to time. I even wrote one to "Memories" by Maroon 5 when Tom Brady decided to leave the New England Patriots.
Of course, when many of us think of parody songs, we probably think about Weird Al Yankovic, I mean there is even a movie out about him now!
There are plenty of people that choose to write their own parodies of popular songs, and with social media, I see it all the time.
Well, the other day, there I was stuck in the scrolling doom of TikTok when I stumbled across a hilarious parody of Miley Cyrus' song "Flowers."
What made it even better was the fact that it was a Boston version of the song, but really it could have been for all of New England.
TikToker, Karen Boomer (who claims they picked that name due to the fact that she has been called both, "Karen" and "Boomer"), was the person that decided to create this parody, and honestly, I wish I came up with it!
Instead of Miley's "I can buy myself flowers" and so on, Karen sings: "I can buy myself Dunkin'. I don't need you for that. I don't need to feed your friends, on Sunday watching the Pats. Oh, I can buy myself tickets, to any show that I like. I think it's finally time that you took a hike."
Karen goes on to keep the song about a breakup singing "Oh, I don't need ya, ya dirty cheater."
Honestly, Karen had me dying laughing, in a good way!
I can honestly see this parody being sung by many New Englanders that end up going thru a breakup or just singing it in their car like Karen.