Watch Sanford Woman’s Mom With Dementia Recognize Her Daughter
There's nothing that can be more heartbreaking than to have a loved one who can't remember who you are. One woman from Sanford shared a video with her mother showing that dementia can be beautiful.
MJ Grant, who used to work here with us at Q97.9, has parents who are deaf. To communicate with them, she learned sign language and is now a professional sign language interpreter. Her mother has dementia and often forgets who her family members are.
MJ was shooting video in her car with her mother when she took her on a ride to the beach. As they had a conversation, her mom did not know who she was since she tends to get confused in unfamiliar surroundings. MJ patiently walked her through her memories until suddenly her mother recognized her own daughter as if she hadn't seen her in years.
As MJ said in her post, "dementia can be beautiful."
Her video has been seen by over two million people, shared all across the globe and was even featured on Today. The video has struck a chord with so many people who have loved ones affected by dementia. Her Facebook page has been overwhelmed with messages from people thanking her for sharing this touching moment.
MJ posted a follow up video in sign language with captions, to express her love and gratitude to everyone who reached out to her.