Why Was Maine Ranked the ‘7th Worst Place to Live’ in 2018? It’s All About Money
Money... and because the people who did this friggin' study have probably never even been here!
MoneyRates.com have released their rankings for the best and worst states in America for affordability and cost of living, and as you might have imagined, we're not even close to the top of the list.
In fact, we're all the way at the bottom of this one.
In terms of cost of living analysis and being able to afford to make a living here in Maine, how picturesque the coastline is or how great the seafood might be has nothing to do with being able to afford to live here.
Maine was ranked as the 7th worst place to live in the US this year, right next to Montana and Vermont. Here's what they had to say about Vacationland:
"Like all the New England states, Maine is a relatively expensive place to live, with a cost of living that is nearly 14 percent above the national average. Unlike some of those states, though, Maine does not offer a particularly high median wage to make up for the high cost of living."
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