I hate it when I forget my cellphone somewhere because I left it charging. I finally did a little research to find out how to extend the life of the battery, hope this helps!!

Did you know you're supposed to keep your cell cool? The warmer it is, the more energy it uses. Do your best to keep it out of sunlight, and OUT of your pocket as much as you can. Just don't forget it!

Your screen brightness will also help drain your battery. Dim it down a bit to save energy.

Most cellphones automatically try to connect to a Wi-Fi network, and that uses more power than you think. You can stop that process in your settings.

And of course, Apps. Just HAVING apps take power, even if you never use 'em. And a lot of times, they're open when you're multi-tasking. Close 'em out, and look for the apps that help you optimize your battery life

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