Beliebe It! The Q’s Gonna Fly You & A Friend to Denver to See Justin Bieber!
You and a Friend. In Denver. With tickets. Bieber tickets.
Let's make it happen!
The Q is gonna send you out to the Mile High City... to see the Biebs!
We're covering your airfare, hotel stay, and tickets to the show. Three days, two nights, and amazing memories await... now all you have to do is win!
Here's how:
Listen to Q97.9 during the 8am, 12pm & 4pm hours all week, and when you hear the Q to Qualify, be caller #10 at (207) 775-7979! If you're the right caller, you'll instantly qualify for the big trip out west. We'll hook you up with a digital copy of Justin's latest releases, and put your name in the hat for one of the biggest Q prizes we've had a in a long time!
We'll pull a winner in July, so keep the Q cranked to see if it's you!
2015 American Music Awards - Show
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