A Boat Parade Will Honor the Life of the Portland, Maine, Valentine’s Day Bandit
The Portland Valentine's Day Bandit
After years decades of mysteriously hanging red hearts all around downtown Portland, Maine storefronts as well as Fort Gorges in preparation for every single Valentine's Day, we finally learned the identity of the phantom-like Valentine's Day Bandit.
Kevin Farhman was the Valentine's Day Bandit
Unfortunately, the reason behind us finally learning the secret identity of the Valentine's Day Bandit wasn't a positive one. Kevin Fahrman's family told Maine Public Radio that after Kevin suddenly passed away at the age of 67 back in April, it was time to reveal his identity to the public.
What followed the Fahrman family's announcement revealing Kevin's identity as the Valentine's Day Bandit was equal parts an outpouring of love and appreciation to the Fahrman family over Kevin's dedication to spreading love and joy throughout Portland every February 14th, but also a sense of disappointment as we were never officially able to show our gratitude and appreciation to Kevin's work.
Until now.
Valentine's Day Bandit Boat Parade
Last night, the Portland Downtown page on Instagram announced a memorial boat parade that will be put on by the Fahrman family this Thursday, July 20, to honor Kevin on what would've been his 68th birthday.
According to Portland Downtown, the "Be a Kevin Boat Parade" will be visible from both the Eastern Prom and Bug Light Park. The best part, by the way, is that not only can you watch the boat parade honor Kevin -- you can actually be in it!
If you want to get your boat in the "Be a Kevin Boat Parade" this Thursday to celebrate Kevin Farhman's birthday, fill out this form. After you do that, send an email to sierrafahrman@gmail.com for more info on how to participate.
Don't have a boat? You can still celebrate our Valentine's Day Bandit's life and "Be a Kevin" by ordering a "Be a Kevin" t-shirt or hat.
Happy Heavenly Birthday, Kevin! And a gigantic THANK YOU to the Fahrman family for letting us finally show the love and appreciation back to Kevin that he secretly showed us for decades.