Bowl for Kids’ Sake
Help Big Brothers Big Sisters with their signature fundraiser!
Every year teams come together to raise money and have fun to support Big Brothers Big Sisters to brighten kid's lives! Bowl for Kids’ Sake is the perfect way for you to make an impact in the community - it only takes a little bit of effort to raise money vital to their program’s success.
Big Brothers Big Sisters Bowl for Kids’ Sake events are held at Spare Time, Bayside Bowl, and Garden Street. You don't need to be a bowling expert, just the willingness to have a good time and raise money so needed.
Where does the money go? 100% of your donation goes directly to help serve local children. Big Brothers Big Sisters depends on donations to conduct background checks on volunteers to ensure child safety; and provides ongoing support for children, families and volunteers to build and sustain long-lasting relationships.
Please help this amazing cause...because everyone could use a big brother or big sister.