Bridgton Twin Drive-In is Still Covered in Snow but There’s a Date They Hope to Open
The Bridgton Twin-Drive in on Route 302 is about to start its 67th season. That's quite a feat to survive the VCR, DVD player, streaming services, high-definition television and surround sound systems.
There's something about watching a movie at a drive-in that just can't be replicated and that's what has kept the Bridgton Twin Drive-In going all these years, most of it in the good care of the Tevanian family.
According to a 2016 article from the Portland Press Herald, the Bridgton Drive-In was bought in 1971 by John Tevanian. It was only a few years after that in 1977 that I had my very first experience at the Bridgton Drive-In watching a movie that everyone was talking about. Star Wars. It wasn't called "A New Hope" then. Just Star Wars.
It was unlike anything I had seen at the age of six and I've been a Star Wars Fan ever since. I'm sure over the years, all nine Star Wars movies have been shown on that screen.
One of the drawbacks to drive-in theaters is also a bit of their charm. You're at the mercy of the weather, especially when you need firm ground for cars to drive on and the snow still hasn't melted at the beginning of April.
That's the situation that John Tevanian's son who now runs the business and is also named John Tevanian, is dealing with right now. He's got the water on at least without any issues, but still needs the snow to melt and the ground to firm up so it's not a mud pit.
It's a guessing game at the moment as to when that will be, but in the latest post on the drive-in's Facebook page, John is guessing April 28 or most likely, May 5 for opening day.
Keep an eye on the Facebook page for updates.
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